This is the old Iranscope English blog which is not updated anymore. Instead please use اين بلاگ قديمی ايرانسکوپ انگليسی ديگر به روز نميشود لطفاً بجای اين از لينک زير استفاده کنيد
۱۳۷۳ آذر ۲۲, سهشنبه
۱۳۷۲ اسفند ۱, یکشنبه
**URGENT** To help Freedom Messenger Please Send this to YouTube Immediately

Dear YouTube, I strongly believe that the Freedom Messenger 20 Youtube channel was wrongfully deactivated based on a false claim of copyright infringement, probably because of opposition to the channel by other users.
Due to the sensitive nature of the situation in the Middle East, YouTube should immediately restore the account and it should remain uninterrupted until a thorough investigation of copyright infringement can be determined.
Please bring the channel up as soon as possible so we may continue spreading videos from Iran. There is no media in Iran and these videos are crucial to keep the Iranian people safe.
Best, [Insert Name]
Also call YouTube at Tel. 650-253-0000 Fax 650-253-0001